One of my biggest personal fight is always about my disinterest of adapting my own self with the environment around.
We are technically forced to ''follow the herd'', because that's how it is and that's the way to keep your ''followers on'', at least that's what they are saying. Lockdown vol.2 and let's face thousands of various insta
''without the real sense'' challenges...Don't get me wrong. At least some of those have got the foundation in the healthy routines, what is great! HOWEVER. For many of those accepters of the challenges, with easing of the lockdown, this routine will become forgotten really quickly... like with everything in the life unless there is a realness and devotion rooted in their ambitious.
What about to think about the life as a biggest challenge of us and focus on that to maintain a long- lasting life change?
That's my way.That's my path. My very own path accompanied with my instincts rooted in my heart.
I honour this life so much, that I've decided to challenge it daily and in a real way.
Realness makes myself.
Lucy xx