Lucy as a human being
​Originally coming from Slovakia, mid Europe, Lucy has been living in London since 2012. She has graduated with a master degree in accounting & auditing, however, life has offered her another way of approach. At some point of her unfolding journey in the office environment, working with properties, something was strongly calling her for a change. Her passion for healthy lifestyle & self-care was turned into profession of personal trainer in 2019. And it wasn't enough. During Covid-19 time, Yoga has touched her heart deeply and encouraged her to go deeper during this tough, but beautiful experience called life. After she graduated with couple of certifications as Yoga teacher, she got to the point in her life, that unless she understands fully herself, she will never be able honestly understand and help others. So the decision to study extra course for the healing of trauma and understanding our emotions with Dr.Gabor Maté came to place. After year long training she has realised that it was certainly the highlight of her
personal & professional life, because it is going to have an impact not just on her personal growth and transformation, but first of all on everyone around. Therefore, is evolving her life coaching qualification and turning it into therapeutic coaching.
Yoga teaching​
Teaching for Lucy is about creating connection and learning to grasp the preciousness of the present moment. First of all, we pay attention to our body, our emotions and start slowly building the relationship with our breath that will lead us towards our authentic part of ourSelf. Some part of us that has been always within us, but we lost
the connection with it. Most of the time as a protection, our unresolved emotions and this lifestyle we live in, society dictating us who we should be and who not, what is normal and what is not. However, with a deep and intentional practice we can develop a present awareness about what is happening right now within us, whether it's mentally, emotionally or physically. During this time we learn to listen to our body and recognise how much we suffer and carry inside, which is certainly holding us back from expressing our full potential, from our authentic part we lost the connection with.
Most of the time, unconsciously.
It's about giving our attention to where there is a tension and creating space for compassion and love for ourselves, so just that we could find an understanding for everyone else. Lucy's personal daily practice is strongly reflected in her teaching as without our own work on ourselves we can not expect the pure and honest ability to navigate and guide others.​
From that place we can then talk about a way towards some form of healing and cultivating peace within ourselves and finding an inner freedom to be our true Self.
What is her mission then all about?
Guiding people in such a way,
so that we suffer less and live more with Grace and Love;
so that we could learn to choose to respond rather than react;
so that we would realise how much time we spend trapped in our mind, rather than appreciating the present moment which is the only aspect of life we really posses. Nothing else.​
With an expression of Grace in your practice, you will be directed inward to discover ''your energy body, where breath and emotions reside; your mental body, where thoughts and obsessions can be mastered; your intellectual body, where intelligence and wisdom can be found; and your divine body, where the Universal Soul can be glimpsed.'' - B.K.S Iyengar
Lucy has been blessed enough to be able to study Yoga with her unique teacher Troy Hadeed from Trinidad&Tobago, whose words of teaching increase the capacity to Love and being reconnected with the God of our own understanding in any situation of our life; Troy Turi who travels internationally teaching philosophy and breath-awareness as the cornerstone of personal change; Jolene Bayda - genius of body anatomy with her 20 years of studying and experience with teaching internationally.